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Substantial Disruption

Brokeback White House

“I wish I knew how to quit you.”  That’s what Donald said to Michael, if not in so many words, then certainly in deed.  How else do you explain the President’s clinging to his former National Security Advisor like goose down to Velcro?  Every sentient being on the planet knew that retired General Michael Flynn had been a very naughty boy.  On December 29, 2016, still-President Barack Obama imposed sanctions on Russia in retaliation for hacking and other actions intended to influence the outcome of the Presidential election.   General Flynn subsequently discussed the sanctions with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak five times, including the day the sanctions were announced.  American intelligence officials recorded all of it.  Then, to make things worse, Flynn lied to the media about the conversations and was not totally forthcoming with the FBI when they asked him about them.  Worst of all, the General lied to the other Michael, Vice President Mike Pence.  The President knew Flynn had lied to the other Michael, but didn’t say anything to the Vice President for at least two weeks.  Why should he?  Pence is such a prig, always looking like he has an icicle up his posterior.  When the spooks leaked the story to the Washington Post, the Veep learned he had been getting the mushroom treatment, and the President had no choice.  He had to keep Veep happy and General  Flynn was caught with his Pence down.  The President had to say those three magic words, the ones he values more than any others: “You are fired.”  But his heart wasn’t in it.  He’d grown accustomed to his Flynn.

Michael Flynn tendered his forced resignation on the eve of Valentine’s Day.

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South Dakota Goes To Hell

If any state should recognize an emergency, it’s South Dakota. The Mt. Rushmore state has experienced more than its share of disasters, from the “Schoolhouse Blizzard” of 1888 that killed 235 people to the Ice Storm of 2013, from the Black Hills Flood of 1972 that killed 238 to the killer tornado that hit Spencer in 1998 and reduced the town’s population by more than half. South Dakota’s most recent “emergency” is different from these.

South Dakota, like every state, has dealt with a number of scandals. One of the ugliest involved the operator of a non-profit corporation who allegedly embezzled at least a million dollars intended to help Native American students. The term “allegedly” is necessary because the suspect, Scott Westerhuis, never went to trial. As the posse closed in, he shot and killed his wife and children and burned down their house before killing himself. Around the same time Richard Benda, an aide to a former South Dakota governor found himself under investigation for alleged improprieties involving a visa program. Like Westerhuis, Benda never went to trial. He also killed himself as the posse closed in. While the Benda investigation implicated former Governor Mike Rounds and another state official, a legislative investigation decided to let them off the hook and blame the dead guy. These scandals, as well as South Dakota’s notorious laissez-faire attitude toward lobbyists, earned the state an “F” from The Center for Public Integrity.

The people of South Dakota finally had enough. In 2016, they passed Measure 22, a grass-roots initiative formally known as the “South Dakota Government Accountability and Anti-Corruption Act,” a compelling dose of ethical disinfectant.

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