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Substantial Disruption

Arizona’s Voucher Bill and the New Segregation

When the Arizona Legislature passed, and Governor Ducey signed Senate Bill 1431, they opened the door to a substantial replacement of public schooling with a taxpayer-supported system of private and parochial schools.  Proponents claim their objective was to maximize school choice, despite insufficient evidence it will improve educational outcomes.  Critics claim there is no improvement and the real purposes are to undermine teachers’ unions and dismantle the public school system in furtherance of an ideology that decries what some deride as “government schools.”  Whatever the consequences, there is a danger that has not received sufficient attention:  creation of a new system of segregated schools likely to be more expansive, insidious and dangerous than the segregation that led to Brown vs Board of Education.


Too Much Yardage Between the Goal Posts

On June 18, 2014, Justin Ross Harris and his 22-month old son, Cooper, ate breakfast at an Atlanta Chik-fil-A before Justin went to work.  He was supposed to drop Cooper off at day care.  Instead, he drove directly to work and left Cooper strapped in his car seat in the family’s locked Hyundai Tucson.  Based on information from the Global News, this is what likely happened to Cooper:  As the temperature rose, he became more and more uncomfortable and struggled against the car seat.  A small child overheats quickly and his heart rate began to rise.  He suffered neurological dysfunction, nausea, disorientation, delirium and seizures.  He gasped for air as dehydration and electrolyte abnormalities caused heart arrhythmia.  Cooper was trapped for seven hours.  Justin claimed he simply made a horrible mistake, but the evidence was against him.  He engaged in extra-marital affairs and paid for the services of a prostitute.  He exchanged lewd text messages and photos with several women, including while Cooper slowly died.  He researched the Internet for information on deaths in hot vehicles.  He was convicted of second degree murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole.