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Substantial Disruption

You Will Not Quiet Us

by Mike Tully

With daggers, bodkins, bullets, man can make
bruise or break of exit for his life;
but is that a quietus, O tell me, is it quietus?
Surely not so! for how could murder, even self-murder
ever a quietus make?

–  D. H. Lawrence, “The Ship of Death”

Donald Trump’s recent appearance before the National Rifle Association (N.R.A.) convention was his usual combination of pandering and self-adulation, although one comment was noteworthy.  “(W)e have news that you’ve been waiting for, for a long time,” he thundered.  “The eight-year assault on your Second Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end.”  That statement drew applause and nobody stopped to ask the obvious question:  what assault


The Great Slab of Trump

Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, the only Orc known to speak with a drawl, dwells in a dank and musty Manichean world with his loyal consorts, fear and paranoia.  That reality informs a Hobbesian vision of governance characterized by reduced oversight of police authorities, more private prisons, and a slavish dedication to keeping strangers out of the country.  He is President Trump’s pre-eminent policy enforcer and his world view has led him to bring dangerous simplicity and absolutism to policy issues that require analysis, nuance, insight, compassion, and a complex understanding incompatible with a Manichean worldview.