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Substantial Disruption

Cold Wet Gnosis

If James Comey, the recently fired FBI Director, doesn’t have a dog, he should adopt one.  There’s a well-known trope of undetermined origin that states, “If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog!”  While Comey is, by all accounts, a stand-up guy who continues to be liked and respected within the Bureau, he was friendless in the political community.  Republicans didn’t trust him because Barack Obama appointed him and Democrats were seething over a gratuitous rebuke on his part that may have cost them the White House.  Donald Trump doesn’t like him because he was being investigated by Comey and Trump desperately wants the investigation to end.  When that many knives are unsheathed, the chances for survival are pretty much zero.  Comey is now a private citizen.  A dog would not care.  A dog would be loyal, would love him unconditionally, would jump and wag enthusiastically when he saw him, would gaze at him adoringly and carefully sniff him up and down — a dog’s way of asking:  “How was your day?”

Donald Trump doesn’t own a dog.  He has people for that.


Let’s Get This (Deleted) Thing Done

by Mike Tully

Arizona Congresswoman Martha McSally has jeopardized her political future by violating the trilogy of governance that applies to elected representatives:

  1. First do no harm. This phrase, a fundamental principle that guides medical ethics, is based on the words of Hippocrates, who is regarded as the “father of modern medicine.”  The same principal should guide Congress.
  1. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. The novelist George Santayana’s quote is one of the most profound, widely repeated, and frequently ignored statements in human experience.  It applies equally to history and politics.
  1. You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. This Bob Dylan lyric is directly applicable to Congress, home to many notorious weathervanes.

McSally violated all three principles by voting for H.R.1628, the American Health Care Act of 2017 (AHCA)…