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Substantial Disruption

The Time for Trump-Shaming Has Come

“Every crowd has a silver lining.”
             – P. T. Barnum

“There’s a sucker born every minute.”
            – Barnum Associate David Hannum

“(Y)ou idiots just don’t understand …TRUMP understands ME!”
           – Trump Supporter Maxon Roads

On April 6th New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof published a column entitled, “My Most Unpopular Idea:  Be Nice to Trump Voters.”  Kristof was motivated by a reaction to a column that asked his mostly progressive readership to keep an open mind about those who voted for Trump.  “One problem with the Democratic anger is that it stereotypes a vast and contradictory group of 63 million people,” Kristof wrote, adding, “”Sure, there were racists and misogynists in their ranks, but that doesn’t mean that every Trump voter was a white supremacist.”  Addressing his liberal readers, Kristof wrote, “The blunt truth is that if we care about a progressive agenda, we simply can’t write off 46 percent of the electorate.”

Another blunt truth is that we have to write off some of them by publicly shaming them. 


Sheriff Joe and Trump’s End Game

I did it, I stand by it, and I’m not going to change.
                  —  Joe Arpaio

Wednesday, August 12th, 2009 was like any other Wednesday in the computer building, a nerve center for a large governmental organization.  The work was routine and unspectacular, but the data maintained by the center was important and, in some cases, confidential.  Without warning, the raid started.  Uniformed individuals stormed the building and seized control.  Employees were ordered to leave their work stations while uniformed men and women confiscated their computers.  The raiders compelled computer operators to give up their passwords before they escorted staff from the premises.  Then they locked up the computer rooms, completing their militaristic take-over.

The armed raid was not in Venezuela, Cuba, or an Asian dictatorship.  The location was Maricopa County’s Computer Center and the raiders were uniformed personnel from the Sheriff’s Department, led by Sheriff Joe Arpaio.