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Substantial Disruption

Bonfires of the Vanity

First, they flipped their lids, then they set them ablaze.  Trump supporters who feel they were burned by their hero’s tête-à-tête with Democrats are setting fire to their Make America Great Again hats by the rackful.  A private dinner with Chuck and Nancy?  Nice words about the Dreamers?  Neither was part of the bargain and loyal Trumpistas are letting the President know how angry they are with a storm of tweets and videos that show MAGA hats in various stages of immolation.  They can’t abide the fact the con man they voted for conned them.


Irma’s Lesson for the Debt Limit Debate

Kick ’em when they’re up
Kick ’em when they’re down
Kick ’em when they’re up
Kick ’em all around
                •  Don Henley, 1982

They came, they saw, and they wound up talking about themselves.  Irma was the storm to exhaust all superlatives, the biggest, strongest, baddest hurricane ever, that threatened to rip through the center of Florida with killer winds and a devastating surge.  Irma was a huge Category 5 storm, larger than any storm in memory, bigger than the notorious Andrew, a wow factor from space that drew an invasion of satellite trucks, camera operators, engineers, and on-camera talent.  Irma seemed poised to retain Category 5 status through landfall and the dreaded storm surge was predicted to hit 15 feet, maybe more with high tide.  “Old Testament … real wrath of God type stuff.


   To made donations to the Red Cross for hurricane disaster relief, click on one of these links:

 CLICK HERE to Donate to Hurricane HARVEY Relief Efforts >>>

 CLICK HERE to Donate to Hurricane IRMA Relief Efforts >>>