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Substantial Disruption

The Prune Juice Platoon

“I fought the whole war in Oklahoma … You need to remember, there was not one Japanese aircraft that got past Tulsa.”
            – George Gobel, 1969

It is just short of half a century since I enlisted in the Arizona Air National Guard and 44 years since I left with an (against the odds) honorable discharge.  I’m proud of my military service; during my entire six-year deployment not a single Viet Cong made it north of Mexico (rim shot).  In reality, my greatest military accomplishment was probably avoiding court-martial but, in any event, I have satisfied my military obligation to my country and state and needn’t worry about it any longer.

Or so I thought.  David Stringer has other plans in mind.

Stringer, a Republican member of the Arizona legislature from Prescott, whose hairpiece looks like it dropped onto his head from a balcony, wants every adult in Arizona, even those well into Medicare and Social Security eligibility, included in Arizona’s state militia.


Reaping Chaos

I accept chaos, I’m not sure whether it accepts me.
          – Bob Dylan

Jeb Bush, a hapless presidential wannabe, enjoyed a rare moment of prescience when he labeled Donald Trump a “chaos candidate (who) would be a chaos president.”  Nobody else has explained the Trump phenomenon so precisely.  Trump is of, by, and for chaos.  His candidacy was born in chaos, he personally embodies chaos, and chaos will eventually destroy his presidency – if his political opposition is able to use political tai chi to turn his strength, chaos, against him.

Much of human existence is occupied with attempting to make order out of chaos, fueled by the irrational belief that order can always be imposed.  But the order we impose, whether based on politics, religion, or alchemy, is like the cooling crust over a lava flow.  It looks like solid land, as durable and firm as granite, but collapses like a cracker in soup under sufficient weight.  Sometimes you can walk on it. Sometimes you collapse into the lava and die.  Life’s uncertainty is chaos.