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Substantial Disruption

October 11, 2018: FLOTUS’ Pity Pot; Jewish Teens Deal with Cyberbullying; FWC Opinion (AU): Performance Plan Not Workplace Bullying

Melania Trump: ‘I’m the most bullied person on the world’

(Publisher’s Note:  Melania is the most bullied person on (sic) the world? Seriously? I wonder what Monica Lewinsky thinks about that. I don’t think FLOTUS would change places with her. Then again, Melania is married to the world’s most notorious bully. – Mike Tully)

By Veronica Stracqualursi, CNN

Washington (CNN)First lady Melania Trump said in an interview that aired Thursday that she is the most bullied person in the world, which has led her to create her anti-bullying “Be Best” initiative, before softening her comments slightly to say she is one of the most bullied.

“I could say I’m the most bullied person on the world,” Trump told ABC News in an interview during her first major solo trip to Africa last week when asked what personally made her want to tackle the issue of cyberbullying.

“You’re really the most bullied person in the world?” ABC News’ Tom Llamas asked during the exchange.

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Serious About Cyberbullying


“Do not do unto others that which you hate done unto yourself – that is the entire Torah. The rest is commentary; go ahead and study it.” (Hillel)

In an impulsive moment that she will long regret, a teenage girl sends her boyfriend a sexy picture via the internet. After they break up, a vindictive boyfriend sends it around the school – a cruel move with far-reaching consequences. The damage is permanent and may lead to suicidal thoughts, school absenteeism, and other dangerous behavior.

Cyberbullying, or online harassment, is a pervasive problem among today’s American teens, including those in the Jewish community, whose central methods of communication and relationship-building are texting, instant messaging, social media and the like.

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Placing employees on performance improvement plans: bullying in the workplace?

King & Wood Mallesons

King & Wood Mallesons logo
Australia October 9 2018
Blagojevic v AGL Macquarie Pty Ltd; Mitchell Seears [2018] FWC 2906

In relation to performance of employees, employers should ensure:that management actions are a genuine attempt to improve performance;

That expectations of employees are clearly communicated; and
That policies adequately set out an approach to be taken by supervisors in relation to underperforming staff, including by providing them with opportunities to improve prior to taking formal action.


This case involved an application for orders preventing workplace bullying by Mr Blagojevic, an experienced and long serving employee. For many years, the employee received high praise and consistently performed well in his annual reviews. However, in 2017 his supervisor placed Mr Blagojevic on an initial and then a revised Performance Improvement Plan (PIP). This action had a devastating effect on Mr Blagojevic…

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October 10, 2018: Instagram Takes On Bullies; More Cell Phones Means More Cyberbullying; Festival in Knoxville on Friday

Instagram’s latest anti-bullying initiative uses AI to detect bullying in photos

Ben Lovejoy

Instagram has announced that it is stepping up its anti-bullying efforts by using AI to detect signs of bullying in photos and captions …

Instagram last year began using machine-learning to identify words and phrases in comments that might indicate bullying, and The Verge reports that the company is now aiming to do the same visually.

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More cellphone use by children could mean more bullying — online and offline

By Elizabeth Englander

Each year, more parents send their young child to elementary school equipped with a smartphone.

For instance, the percentage of third-graders who reported having their own cellphone more than doubled from 19 percent in 2013 to 45 percent in 2017. Similar increases took place for fourth-graders and fifth-graders. About 50 percent of fourth-graders and 70 percent of fifth-graders went to school with a phone in 2017.

Parents often cite the ability to easily reach their child as the major advantage of giving them a device, which they view as a safety issue. “Stranger danger” and sexual predators are often the first risks that occur to parents. Some public schools are adopting policies that limit personal contact between students and teachers.

But bullying and cyberbullying are more common concerns, and in my 2017 research, I found that giving a young child a cellphone increases the likelihood that the child will either become a victim of bullying or a bully themselves.

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disABILITY Resource Center hosting Be A Friend Festival

By: WATE 6 On Your Side staff

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WATE) – The Be A Friend Festival is a free, kid-friendly event to share resources, specifically for anti-bullying, for participants to know that they are not alone.

The festival is hosted by the nonprofit disABILITY Resource Center Knoxville. There are other locations throughout the state, with a mission to provide services including peer support, advocacy, independent living skills and more for people from diverse backgrounds.

For the festival to garner its anti-bullying theme, research was key.

“In research, we found kids who are from diverse minority groups experience bullying at a much higher rate than other children,” said Katherine Moore, an independent living specialist at disABILITY Resource Center. “Unfortunately, it is many times a belief that bullying is something kids just have to go through to grow up. It’s not. Bullying has gotten to be a very important issue, a very tragic issue.”

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