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November 6, 2018: Bullycide Lawsuit in Ohio; Shocking Hospital Bullying in Devon, UK; Calls for Tougher Workplace Bullying Laws in Korea

Family of 11-year-old sues Triad Schools, claims bullying led to suicide (Ohio)

By Dean Narciso, The Columbus Dispatch

The parents of an 11-year-old who killed herself two years ago have sued her school district, citing reported incidents of bullying.

Bethany Thompson had survived brain cancer as a toddler, but surgery to remove a tumor damaged nerves in her face ended up giving her what her parents affectionately described as a “crooked smile.”

Some in her middle school in North Lewisburg in Champaign County subjected her to “relentless bullying” and “pervasive verbal and physical harassment,” including name-calling and shoving in school and on her bus, according to the lawsuit, which was filed on behalf of the girl’s estate by the Akron office of the Kisling, Nestico & Redick law firm.

Weeks before her death, Bethany told a friend she was “done with bullies” and was going to kill herself, according to police reports. The friend told her own father, who notified the school’s principal. According to the lawsuit, then-principal Duane Cadill said he had been monitoring the bullying and said that he would notify Bethany’s parents about her suicide threat, but he never followed through.

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Shocking number of hospital workers being bullied in Devon is revealed (UK)

ByAnita Merritt, Devon Live

The shocking number of hospital workers being bullied in Devon has been revealed with Torbay and South Devon NHS Trust coming out the worst.

A two-year study by the BMA released today has revealed that bullying and harassment is common in NHS workplaces and that many doctors and other staff say their personal and working lives are seriously affected by it.

It comes a day after a workplace culture study of South Western Ambulance Service Foundation Trust revealed there was bullying and harassment within the organisation. Figures from the NHS Staff Survey 2017 reveal 12.1 per cent of staff at Torbay and South Devon NHS Trust had been victims of bullying, harassment or abuse from managers last year.

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Calls grow for tougher punishment for workplace bullying

By Kim Hyun-bin, Korea Times

A growing number of people are calling for stricter measures against bullying by superiors in the workplace place, which often involves physical attacks, because current regulations are seen as ineffective.

The demands have become especially strident after the disclosure of video clips in which Yang Jin-ho, CEO of WeDisk and Hankook Mirae Technology, is seen abusing and assaulting a worker, and ordering employees to kill chickens with a crossbow and a sword.

Many labor human rights groups say the bizarre abuse by Yang portrays only the tip of the iceberg in some Korean work environments.

Gabjil 119, a labor human rights organization, said it received reports of 225 cases of workplace abuse solely last month. “Gabjil” is a Korean term referring to bullying by people in higher-ranking positions.

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