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November 30, 2018: Bullying Costs School $140K; Bullied Student Flees “Living Hell;” Lawsuit By HS Hockey Player; School Bullying in UAE

Parents who say daughter was bullied for 4 years get $150K settlement with Waukee schools

By Kim Norvell, Des Moines Register

A former Waukee student whose parents say she was bullied for four years without staff intervention was awarded a $150,000 settlement from the district.

The parents of 11-year-old Berkley Maschka filed a federal lawsuit against the Waukee Community School District last year claiming administrators failed to protect Berkley from ongoing bullying — and then assaulted the third-grader when she refused to go to her classroom.

The confrontation left Berkley with physical and psychological injuries, parents Andrea and Brian Maschka said.

“As a parent, there is no price that can make up for what (Berkley) went through during those four years,” Andrea Maschka said this week. “For us it wasn’t about the money. It was about standing up for our daughter and doing what was right.”

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Bullying forced student to leave Farragut High; parents say Knox County Schools did nothing to help him

By Erica Breunlin, Knoxville News Sentinel

The bullying didn’t begin with fellow students shoving him into walls and pelting him with food, but it also didn’t end there.

It didn’t even end after he eventually changed schools, although it has slowed significantly since he switched his social media accounts to private settings.

Physical and verbal bullying turned into cyberbullying. And that can be difficult to stop, experts say.

Riley Schrick, 17, can tell you that himself, and all about his horrible junior year at Farragut High School.

And he and his parents say Knox County Schools did nothing to help him.

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High school hockey player files lawsuit alleging bullying by Hill-Murray teammates

By: Bisi Onile-Ere, KMSP

The Minnesota State High School League and Hill-Murray Catholic School are at the center of a civil lawsuit alleging bullying by members of the Hill-Murray School varsity hockey team.

The plaintiff is a high school varsity hockey player who alleges to have endured years of bullying by his teammates. In the 24-page complaint, the young man, known only as John Doe, accused his teammates of verbal abuse.

On more than one occasion, the teen charged that some players threatened that they would “take him out” by blindsiding him on the ice and also kicked and spit on his vehicle. The lawsuit also alleged that although some of the student’s allegations were corroborated, the players were never disciplined.

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Children as young as six falling victim to cyberbullying in UAE, says expert

By Anam Rizvi, The National

Young children are falling victim to cyberbullying in the UAE – as a growing online community makes it increasingly tough for victims to escape from their troubles.

While everything from teasing to verbal and physical abuse would once be left in the playground and classroom, the popularity of social media platforms means youngsters are still being targeted on their mobile phones and laptops, making it difficult for teachers and parents to monitor.

A child psychologist in Dubai said she has dealt with cyberbullying cases involving children as young as six, while schools are addressing the issue head-on.

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