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January 15, 2019: Bullying & Bingeing; Bystanders Impact; TN Pols Punt Problem

Bullying, sexual abuse may trigger binge eating, smoking

DNA India

Sexual abuse and bullying are related to harmful behaviours like smoking dependence, binge eating, antidepressant use, and reduced quality of life, a recent study suggests.

The research suggests that people who suffered from bullying or sexual abuse have a lower quality of life, similar to those living with chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, depression or severe anxiety.

These people are also far more likely to display harmful behaviours like smoking dependence and binge eating.

Sexual abuse and bullying are related to harmful behaviours like smoking dependence, binge eating, antidepressant use, and reduced quality of life, a recent study suggests.

The research suggests that people who suffered from bullying or sexual abuse have a lower quality of life, similar to those living with chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, depression or severe anxiety.

These people are also far more likely to display harmful behaviours like smoking dependence and binge eating.

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Bullying at Work Affects Mental Health—Even in Bystanders


Newswise — PHILADELPHIA, PA — Bullying in the workplace increases employees’ psychological distress and plans to quit their job—even for workers who aren’t personally being bullied, reports a study in the December Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

The study by Kanami Tsuno, PhD, MPH, of Wakayama Medical University, Japan, and colleagues adds to previous reports showing “indirect harmful effects of workplace bullying in bystanders.”

The study explored the “contextual effect” of workplace bullying, using baseline and one-year follow-up responses from more than 2,000 Japanese civil servants. Workers completed a questionnaire to assess bullying at work, rating the frequency of items such as “spreading of gossip and rumors” or “persistent criticism of your work.”

Individual reports of being bullied at work were linked to increased psychological distress (such as depression) at one-year follow-up. Bullied workers also had higher ratings on a scale assessing their intention to leave their job.

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Politicians punt on bullying crisis


The state’s top politicians, faced with alarming school bullying numbers that indicate a growing crisis, punted with platitudes yesterday as victim advocates said the 2010 law is weak and just gives cover to unaccountable school administrators.

The Herald reported Monday — on the anniversary of Phoebe Prince’s suicide that spurred the law — that as many as 14,000 of the state’s nearly 1 million K-12 students claimed in a 2017 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study that they had been bullied, while schools reported only 2,031 incidents in the 2017-18 school year. The CDC reported that 12 percent said they had considered killing themselves. Sunday, the Herald and the Lowell Sun reported on the October suicide of 16-year-old Anna Aslanian of Lowell, who left a letter detailing previously undetected bullying and body-shaming that destroyed her self-esteem.

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