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January 14, 2019: Trump Effect in VA Schools; Dispute Over Screen Time Impact; Safety Leaflets With Smartphones

Is the President Making Middle School Worse?

By Michelle Goldberg, New York Times

Immediately after Donald Trump’s election, alarming stories appeared of school bullies who seemed to be inspired by the new president. In York County, Pa., two students marched through their high school hallways holding a Trump sign while a third shouted, “White power!” A teacher in Kansas reported students taunting classmates with the refrain, “Trump won, you’re going back to Mexico.” At several schools, white school sports fans chanted, “Trump! Trump!” at opposing teams with more players of color.

As these stories proliferated, no one knew for sure whether they were just scattered anecdotes or signs of more serious social change. Then researchers involved with a statewide survey of bullying in Virginia schools realized they had a way to find out.

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Leading doctors say there is little medical evidence for limiting screen time for kids, even though a major study disagrees

By Sinéad Baker, Business Insider

Leading pediatricians said there is little evidence that shows screen time is “toxic” for children, even after other research suggested that just a few hours a day could damage developing brains.

New guidance for under-18-year-olds from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health in the UK said the evidence that time in front of a screen has a negative effect on children is “contested” and that the “evidence of harm is often overstated.”

The evidence is so weak, the group said, that it could not offer parents a guide for how much they should be limiting their children’s screen time.

“Because the effect of screen time depends so much on context, and the uncertain nature of the evidence, it is impossible to give comprehensive national guidance or limits,” it said.

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Eir to issue cyber-bullying awareness leaflets with new phones

By Carole Coleman, RTE (Ireland)

Communications company Eir is to include a leaflet on the dangers of cyber-bullying with new mobile phones purchased.

The company said the leaflet will be directed at young people and their parents and confirmed that it is aiming to have the leaflets ready for Safer Internet Day 2019 on 5 February.

A spokesperson said: “We are currently working on a programme in partnership with a number of key stakeholders, including Jackie Fox, to help inform parents and young people how to tackle cyber-bullying.”

“The leaflet will be on cyber bullying specifically. Most operators, including ourselves provide information to advise parents how to keep their child safe online including how to use parental controls.”

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