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A Trump Immigration Policy Morality Tale

The Poster, the Capture, and the Camp

He promised the “largest criminal deportation operation in our country’s history.” “On Day 1 of my new administration,” he said , “I will seal the border, stop the invasion of people pouring through our border and send Joe Biden’s illegal aliens back home where they belong,”

He promised a mass deportation modeled on an Eisenhower-era policy called “Operation Wetback.” He would rely on local and state police and the national guard, but would not rule out using the U. S. Military. Authorities would arrest migrants in massive sweeps, then house them in detention camps until deportation.

“Any activists who doubt President Trump’s resolve in the slightest are making a drastic error,” crowed Stephen Miller, principal architect of the policy. “Trump will unleash the vast arsenal of federal powers to implement the most spectacular migration crackdown.”

This is what it might look like:


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