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October 31, 2018: New Research: Cyberbullying in India, Finland; Bullying On the Rise in Nevada

Indian Children Most Cyber-Bullied in the World: Study

The Wire Staff

New Delhi: The increasing access of Indians to the Internet across India has given rise to the threat of the ‘faceless evil’ of cyberbullying, with teenagers being the most vulnerable victims. A recent study has shown that Indian children are the most cyber-bullied in the world. A report published in has said that Indian parents remained among the highest to express confidence that their children were cyberbullied at least some times. The number of Indian parents complaining against cyberbullying, the report shows, has grown from 2011 to 2018.

The Comparitech report, which analysed an Ipsos international survey of adults in 28 countries, said that the number of parents complaining about their children being cyberbullied is increasing. The survey had conducted 20,793 interviews between March 23 and April 6, 2018, among adults between ages 18-64 in the US and Canada, and adults between ages 16-64 in all other countries.

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Survey: Many teens in Finland face cyberbullying


Fifteen percent of teens in Finland aged 15-17 have been the target of cyberbullying, indicates a survey published on Monday. It was commissioned by Elisa, one of the country’s largest telecoms operators. More than 60 percent of respondents said they had experienced milder harassment online.

According to the study, the most common forms of cyberbullying and harassment are exclusion from a group, spreading negative rumours and making nasty comments on others’ posts. Others include disseminating pictures and videos, making threats and making rude comments via direct message.

“Name-calling and insults often come anonymously, which is a current trend,” says Elisa’s research director, Minna Virtanen.

Snapchat, Instagram and WhatsApp are the channels where youth in Finland most typically experience online harassment, according to the poll. It was carried out by Prior Konsultointi, which questioned just over 600 youngsters aged 15-17 in July.

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Bullying in Nevada schools on the rise, new anti-bullying hotline aims to reverse trend

by Madeline Hunt

CARSON CITY, Nev. — Bullying in our schools is a major problem and is only getting worse.

Nevada schools reported 13,000 bullying incidents last school year.

That’s nearly 5,000 more reports than the year before, according data from the Nevada Department of Education.

To reduce this number, the state created SafeVoice — a new, 24/7 hotline to combat bullying.

Some signs your child is being bullied include:

  • unexplained injuries
  • changes in eating habits
  • declining grades
  • self harm or talk about suicide

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