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October 15, 2018: FLOTUS’ Dangerous Ignorance; Troubled Kids in the U.K.; India: #MeToo Journalists Demonstrate Against Bullying

What Melania Trump Doesn’t Understand About Bullying

by Christopher Rim

One of the primary goals of Melania Trump’s ‘Be Best’ initiative is to protect children from cyberbullying. However, that focus was obscured this week, when the First Lady told ABC News that she “could say I’m the most bullied person in the world.” This statement exposes something I’ve suspected since the initiative was launched — Melania Trump doesn’t understand bullying, and she certainly doesn’t know how to help children who are suffering from it.

Saying you are one of the most bullied people in the world sends a message to the young people you are trying to reach that you think it’s unlikely that their pain is as significant as yours.

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Helen Martin: A generation crippled by this age of anxiety


A growing “epidemic” across the world is mental health problems among teenagers. And as a result, in Scotland and elsewhere, there are deep concerns about the lack of support, waiting times for consultation and delivery of treatment. A recent UK Department of Education survey (which doesn’t cover Scotland but brings a similar result) revealed that over one in three teen girls suffer from anxiety and depression, more than double the rate among teenage boys. Scottish research shows bullying, low self-esteem, friendship issues, psychological effects of puberty and increasing sexual awareness are among the many contributors to mental imbalance, leading to lack of confidence affecting education, causing self-harming and basically leaving kids miserable as hell.

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#MeToo: Journalists Protest In Delhi, Say Sexual Harassment At Workplace Non-negotiable


New Delhi: As the #MeToo movement intensifies in the country, a group of journalists Saturday held a protest here expressing solidarity with their women colleagues who have come out and demanded proper implementation of the prevention of sexual harassment act to ensure dignity at workplace.

The protesting journalists also sought immediate action against those facing allegations of sexual misconduct.

They also demanded the removal of Union Minister M J Akbar, who has been accused of sexual harassment by a number of women journalists, when he was an editor of several publications, a few years ago.

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